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HKUST x EdUHK Joint Conference on AI Education


About the Conference

The “Leveraging AI For Change in Education” conference is the first of an annual joint-university initiative between the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) aimed at exploring the profound impacts and possibilities of artificial intelligence in educational settings, from K-12 and higher education to vocational training and adult learning.

CEI Learning Lab series: AI sandbox for educators


The CEI Learning Lab: AI Sandbox for Educators is designed to equip you with practical AI skills for your classroom. In this series, we will highlight the latest AI developments, feature faculty insights on how they incorporate AI into their courses, and provide hands-on activities, allowing participants to experiment with AI tools in real time. A special student-led session will also demonstrate how learners are leveraging AI in their studies.



What is Lucid?

The Lucid Education Suite available in Canvas is a set of virtual whiteboarding applications which allow students to actively ideate, design and collaborate on a s

Effective Assessment Series: From Criteria to Rubrics


The "Effective Assessment Series: From Criteria to Rubrics" is a two-part professional development workshop for all staff involved in student learning. This series focuses on the essential components of criterion-referenced assessment (CRA) and rubric design to enhance student learning and success. Participants will gain valuable insights into establishing clear expectations and structured teaching methods.