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Revolutionize Reading Assignments with Interactive Document!

Revolutionize Reading Assignments with Interactive Document!
Start Date

The Interactive Document  tool (by FeedbackFruits) is designed to make reading assignments more engaging and interactive, enhancing students’ comprehension and critical thinking skills like never before. Here is why you will love the tool:


You can insert in-line questions or discussion threads directly on a document and choose which questions must be answered by students before they can move on.


Students canadd their own questions or initiate discussions for collaborative learning, or complete a post-reading reflection to deepen their learning.


You can easily track student performance, monitor progress, and intervene when necessary. Performance data, both per question and per student, is readily accessible and downloadable.

Watch this video to see how Interactive Document works from a student’s perspective. For more information on how the tool functions from a teacher’s perspective, read this page.

Ready to transform your reading assignments? Join our workshop!

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • identify the benefits of using Interactive Document in learning and teaching
  • describe best practices for implementing effective interactive documents in courses
  • recall the key features and workflow for setting up Interactive Document in Canvas
  • create an online assignment using Interactive Document

14 FEB 2025 (FRI)

12:30 – 14:00

RM6558 (Lift 27-30)

This workshop will be facilitated in person by our experienced Instructional Designers, Isaac Wan and Emilie Pavey, from CEI’s Technology-Enhanced Teaching team.

If you have any questions about this new tool, feel free to contact us at Our team is here to help you unlock the full potential of interactive reading assignments!


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