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HKUST x EdUHK Joint Conference on AI Education


About the Conference

The “Leveraging AI For Change in Education” conference is the first of an annual joint-university initiative between the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) aimed at exploring the profound impacts and possibilities of artificial intelligence in educational settings, from K-12 and higher education to vocational training and adult learning.

CEI Learning Lab series: AI sandbox for educators


The CEI Learning Lab: AI Sandbox for Educators is designed to equip you with practical AI skills for your classroom. In this series, we will highlight the latest AI developments, feature faculty insights on how they incorporate AI into their courses, and provide hands-on activities, allowing participants to experiment with AI tools in real time. A special student-led session will also demonstrate how learners are leveraging AI in their studies.

EDGE-AI Insights: Navigating the Future of Learning with Generative AI



In Spring 2023, the CEI invited faculty and teaching staff to propose Education and Generative AI (EDGE-AI) projects looking to explore new teaching and learning methods utilizing GenAI. A year and a half later, these projects are yielding important findings for innovative teaching practices. In the second workshop of our EDGE-AI series, two of our projects share their work so far, and how their findings can help shape HKUST's teaching and learning landscape.

EDGE-AI Insights: Navigating the Future of Learning with Generative AI


Last Spring, the CEI invited faculty and teaching staff to propose Education and Generative AI (EDGE-AI) projects to explore new teaching and learning methods for using generative AI technology in teaching and learning. A year on, these projects are yielding important findings for best teaching practices. In this workshop, two of our EDGE-AI projects share their work so far, their findings, and how these findings can help shape the new landscape of generative AI in teaching and learning.

Grading with AI: How to Save Time, Improve Feedback, & Increase Consistency


About the workshop:

Grading and assessment continue to be significant challenges for many educators. It requires considerable time and effort to grade assignments. It requires even more time and energy to provide quality feedback, resulting in few instructors offering as many suggestions for improvement as they would like. Finally, even the most committed educators can lose focus after grading tens or even hundreds of essays, which may lead to inconsistent and unfair evaluations.

Utilising Generative AI in Assessment Design

The integration of Generative AI into assessments in higher education has led to concerns over their validity among the teaching staff. Despite the many benefits of Generative AI, some fear that it will reduce the need for critical engagement that is key to deep and meaningful learning. Given the near impossibility for it to be out-designed, the best option available would be to design assessment tasks around it. Drawing on a number of case studies of top universities around the world, this seminar discusses strategies on how Gen AI can be implemented in assessment to a varying extent across different academic disciplines to foster student empowerment and engagement.

CEI Idea Incubation Series: Elevate Learning with Emerging Tech

The CEI Idea Incubation Series is a platform for disseminating teaching innovations and showcasing emerging technologies and pedagogies for teaching and learning. In this series, we will showcase a variety of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Mid-Journey, which are applicable to diverse educational contexts. Additionally, we will introduce a specialized gamified teaching and learning course that CEI offers to all Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). The series will also feature Virtual Reality teaching and learning simulators that we have developed to enhance pedagogical experiences.

AI and Education Health Check-up: Reflecting on Progress and Exploring New Developments

This 90-minute "health check-up" session revisits the key insights from our previous series on AI in higher education, focusing on ChatGPT and other AI tools' impact on academic integrity, assessment design, and the educational experience. We will reflect on the progress made, discuss new developments, practical examples, and emerging technologies, as well as share updates on guidelines and policies. The session will include interactive discussions and brainstorming opportunities, empowering faculty members to stay informed and make knowledgeable decisions regarding AI integration in their classrooms. Join us to engage in insightful conversations about the future of teaching and learning with AI-powered tools.

Artificial Intelligence and Education Series: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The advancement of AI technologies have the potential to significantly impact higher education by disrupting traditional teaching and learning practices and policies. In this three-part series, we will explore the ways in which ChatGPT and other AI tools can impact academic integrity, assessment design, and the educational experience. We will also consider the ethical considerations and challenges that educators may face when integrating these tools into their classrooms. Our speakers will include an international expert with over 20 years of experience in learning science and instructional design, as well as experts from other Hong Kong universities and HKUST's AP(T&L). Join us to learn about the potential impacts of AI on higher education.