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HKUST x EdUHK Joint Conference on AI Education


About the Conference

The “Leveraging AI For Change in Education” conference is the first of an annual joint-university initiative between the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) aimed at exploring the profound impacts and possibilities of artificial intelligence in educational settings, from K-12 and higher education to vocational training and adult learning.

Online interactive mechanical design playground and gallery


New Faculty Orientation: Teaching and Learning at HKUST | FALL 2024


The New Faculty Orientation (NFO) is an essential program designed to introduce new faculty and teaching staff to the teaching and learning environment at HKUST. This comprehensive program includes 3 compulsory sessions and 4 optional deep-dive sessions, covering the undergraduate curriculum, our student demographics, teaching insights from award-winning professors, and essential eLearning platforms at HKUST.

Generative AI and Education Online Course Series – New course addition


We are thrilled to announce the launch of GENAI-004: Enhancing Your Course with Generative AI, the latest addition to our Generative AI and Education online course series.

While many of you may have already experienced the power of conversational chatbots like ChatGPT, the application of AI tools in education extends far beyond that. In this new course, we will explore diverse ways AI can enhance your courses, such as:

Cyber Physical Learning Alliance Series: The Future of Education

The Center for Education Innovation is proud to present a series of workshops and talks featuring experts from the Cyber-Physical Learning Alliance (CPLA), including key guests from Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), who will offer insights into the forefront of Cyber-Physical Learning (CPL). Through this series, we aim to deepen our collective understanding of CPL's transformative potential in higher education. The sessions are designed to engage faculty members by showcasing innovative educational technologies and methods, such as living labs, learning analytics, and the use of portable EEG technology to assess learner concentration. These workshops equip faculty with tools to enhance teaching effectiveness and monitor learner engagement, and also foster data-informed decision-making. By utilizing empirical evidence, educators can tailor their teaching strategies to improve overall educational outcomes. These talks are particularly relevant for colleagues experimenting with VR, AR, XR, and AI in their teaching, providing them with valuable insights into how these technologies can be integrated into educational practices. Each session will not only highlight groundbreaking research and applications but also encourage discussions about the ethical and effective use of technology in education. Join us in exploring how these advanced technologies can redefine teaching and learning, and prepare us for the future of education in an increasingly digital world.

EDGE-AI Insights: Navigating the Future of Learning with Generative AI


Last Spring, the CEI invited faculty and teaching staff to propose Education and Generative AI (EDGE-AI) projects to explore new teaching and learning methods for using generative AI technology in teaching and learning. A year on, these projects are yielding important findings for best teaching practices. In this workshop, two of our EDGE-AI projects share their work so far, their findings, and how these findings can help shape the new landscape of generative AI in teaching and learning.

Project Leader: Molong DUAN
School: School of Engineering