Critical Thinking and Generative AI literacy for Sustainability Education
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Game-Based Learning for COMP2711
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Prof Keith CHAN |
AI-Driven Control of a Robotic Arm in Virtual Reality
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Prof Kenneth LEUNG |
An AI-enabled Online Platform for Community Building among Year 1 Engineering Students
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Prof Wenqi HU |
An Interactive Web-Based Playground for Instant Trials and Analytics in Blockchain-related Courses
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Prof Henry LAM, Prof Raymond WONG, Prof Desmond TSOI |
Ocean Odyssey: The VR Game Expedition (MarineXR)
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Dr Daoyuan WU, Prof Yanzhen CHEN |
Gamification, Virtual Reality Pedagogy for the Provision of Active-Learning in Genetics, Forensics, & Biochemistry Laboratories
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Dr Cindy LAM, Prof Sai Kit YEUNG |
Developing best practices for multimodal assessment design to enhance skills transferability in higher education courses
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Robert KO, Aftab AMIN |
Fostering a mindset of OpenVerse: An Open-Source Metaverse Platform for Metaverse Education
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Piotr Zychowicz |
Digital Storytelling with VR: A Walk in Kowloon City District
TLIP funded
TLIP funded
Project Leader: | Tristan BRAUD |
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Project Leader: | Qiuzi GUO, Birdy CHU |