Mixed-Mode Teaching – Experience Sharing

Prof. Chris Doran
Adjunct Associate Professor (MGMT)
Academic Director of the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program
Prof. Jeevan Jaisingh
Associate Professor of Business Education (ISOM)
Prof. Mark Mihorean
Associate Professor (MGMT)
Seminar Overview:
Please join our SBM colleagues, Chris Doran, Jeevan Jaisinghand Mark Mihorean to share their experiences with mixed-mode teaching in postgraduate and undergraduate courses, from late fall 2019 through to summer 2020. Our colleagues will cover such aspects as the challenges they faced, as well as the solutions they found and those issues that remain a challenge. The impacts that can be experienced depending on the distribution of online and on-ground students in any one class session. The technologies and tools in the classroom and in Zoom that can be leveraged to increase the affordances of this mode of delivery.
About the Speakers:

Prof. Chris Doran
Prof. Chris Doran is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Management and the Academic Director of the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program. He has been a consultant and workshop leader for many leading companies, including Shell, DBS, Volvo, the Oberoi Group, BP, American Express, Kingfisher and Levi Strauss. Professor Doran has taught Strategic Thinking for the MBA programs. He also teaches Applied Mergers and Acquisitions and Consulting Skills. Formerly, he has been Strategy Director for A.S.Watson (the retail division of Hutchison Whampoa), Lend Lease (one of Australia’s largest Real Estate companies) and UDV (the US$2 billion operating profit drinks division of Diageo plc). He holds and MEng and an MBA.

Prof. Jeevan Jaisingh
Jeevan Jaisingh is an Associate Professor of Business Education in Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management at the HKUST Business School. He received his PhD in MIS from Purdue University. His work has been published in Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce among others. Prior to graduate studies, he worked as a technology consultant for Tata Consultancy Services on projects in the shipping, airlines and banking industry. He has also served as a consultant for the HKSAR government on technology protection for Intellectual Property. He teaches courses on innovation, IT management, and project management. Professor Jaisingh is the winner of teaching awards both at the school and university level.

Prof. Mark Mihorean
Prof. Mark Mihorean is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management. He has taug fr ht several Undergraduate and MBA courses including: ‘Business Ethics’, ‘Human Resources Management’, ‘Management of Organizations’, and ‘Responsible Leadership’. He has a wide range of professional experiences including Teaching, Consulting, and Managing. He has been a Principal of an international school, operated three tutorial centres, and engaged in management consulting in various cities including Beijing. Mark takes a highly-interactive approach to teaching and aims to help students lift themselves ‘above their old selves’. He holds a B.A.(Hons.), a B.Ed., an M.B.A., and a Ph.D.
Workshop Materials:
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Video Recordings:
Organized by:
Center for Education Innovation (CEI)