Experience Sharing – Use of Zoom for proctoring online exams to achieve the strictest deterrence

Online exams are around the corner and you may be wondering which proctoring option is right for your course.
CEI recently rolled out suggested guidelines on proctoring online exams with Zoom. Among the different options, Option 3 provides the strictest deterrence which may be of interest to you. This option simulates the proctoring experience designed by Prof Ting-Chuen Pong and his course team for the mid-term exam of COMP 1022P.
COMP 1022P is a Java programming course, which assesses students on their hands-on programming skills. To prevent unwanted computer usage by the students, the course team decided to monitor and record every student’s on-screen activities during the exam. This deterred COMP 1022P students from accessing outside resources to copy the code or test their code using local/online tools. After thorough testing and pilot runs, the course team has worked out tips and tricks to smooth out the proctoring procedure.
We are very glad to have Prof Ting-Chuen Pong and his course team share their experience with us, show a walk-through of the setup and highlight the tips and tricks they used in carrying out this proctoring procedure.
Please join us to find out more and do come with any questions you might have!
- Prof. Ting-Chuen Pong
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Acting Director of CEI - COMP 1022P course team
- Introduction to the Zoom proctoring procedure the course team used
- Walkthrough and demonstration of the setup
- Q&A
All faculty and teaching support staff (who will be proctoring online exams) are welcome to join us!
Date: | 15 MAY 2020 (FRI) |
Time: | 12:30 - 13:30 |
Venue: | Onlive via Zoom |
Organized by: | Center for Education Innovation (CEI) |