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"Doing Economics": A Scaffolded Approach to Active Learning through Writing

Project Leader: Sujata VISRIA
School: School of Business & Management
Project Leader: Michelle YIK
School: School of Humanities & Social Science<

Normative Case Teaching through Role Playing and Blended Learning - Ethics, Emerging Technologies, and Public Policy

Project Leader: Prof James WONG
School: School of Humanities & Social Scien

Into "cultures and values": Independent research on language, culture and society

Project Leader: Cathy PAN
School: School of Humanities & Social Science
Project Leader: Dr Cindy LAM
School: School of Science
Project Leader: Beatrice WONG, Eva SHEK
School: Others
Project Leader: Ben Y B CHAN
School: Others
Project Leader: Eun Soon IM, Meike SAUERWEIN
School: School of Engineering

Integrated Aerospace Education Platform to Support Multidisciplinary Air Transportation Vehicle Design

Project Leader: Rhea LIEM
School: School of Engineering
Project Leader: Thomas HU
School: School of Engineering