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Experience Sharing

Common Core Program Series: “Motivating Students and Broadening Their Horizons through Collaboration with Business Practitioners

The seminar focuses on two themes; how successful collaboration with business practitioners has helped connect theories and applications, which acts as a source of inspiration to students. This builds on a major characteristic of MGMT 1120 Developing the Leader in You, which collaborates with leaders from the local industries to develop real-world course materials encompassing business scenarios and ethical issues. This partially involves the effective integration of experiential learning business cases to help motivate students on this course. The seminar also focuses on how a combination of knowledge-sharing and self-discovery processes further developed interest in this common core course.

The Science of Successful Learning

We all have an enormous capacity to learn, but—despite being engaged in learning throughout our lives—decades of cognitive research have shown that our intuitions are oftentimes exactly wrong, leading us to choose suboptimal learning strategies over more effective and efficient ones. Despite the temptation to make learning feel easy, research has proven that durable and flexible learning results when it is more effortful. The strategies that enhance learning—through engaging learners in more effortful and elaborative processes—are referred to as “desirable difficulties”.

Augment Your Teaching Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) overlays the digital world over the physical world – thus ‘augmenting’ the real world experience. With AR, people can overlay digital content to objects, printed material or geographic locations, then use a smart device to scan for the digital content to appear. AR creates unique interactive experience for learners and can “bridge the learning gap between abstract descriptions and the real world phenomena,” (Luckin, Fraser: 2011) offering the potential to motivate both learners and teachers to re-think the way they engage in learning and teaching.

Transforming a Large Technical Class into Blended Learning: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In this talk, the speaker shared with the audience his experience, both positive and negative, in preparing and conducting a blended learning course. Issues relating to course content design, online lecture video recording, strategy to encourage class participation and engagement, as well as student feedback will be discussed. A reflection on the potential benefit of blended learning as well as some possible hindrance to its success will be provided.

How to make an impact on education through MOOC and Flipped Teaching?

How to make an impact on education through MOOC and Flipped Teaching? In this workshop, Prof. Yeh has shared his experience as a practitioner of MOOC and flipped teaching to address questions such as: How should a teacher motivate students to watch video? How can a teacher teach well without giving any homework? How to prevent students from cheating? How to reduce the deviation of students’ learning performance?

2021 Common Core Teaching Excellence Award Sharing Seminar


In this seminar, teaching award winning speakers will share their experience and strategies to design and deliver their Common Core Teaching Excellence Award winning courses.


It’s a Numbers Game

In this workshop, Prof. Kenneth LEUNG, the recipient of the 2021 Common Core Teaching Excellence Award, will introduce the teaching philosophy and the innovative pedagogical approaches that he has used in his award-winning course COMP2711 Discrete Mathematical Tools for Computer Science.

Gamification in a Laboratory Course


Gamification in eLearning is a new concept in higher education recently. This new approach will provide alternative learning tools and assessments to students, but also promote self-regulated learning and in-depth thinking in their learning journey. A mobile app incorporating games and course materials of each lab session is developed to facilitate virtual teaching and learning beyond the classroom. In the game, players are requested to complete the assigned laboratory quests on an island.