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EDGE-AI Insights: Navigating the Future of Learning with Generative AI


Last Spring, the CEI invited faculty and teaching staff to propose Education and Generative AI (EDGE-AI) projects to explore new teaching and learning methods for using generative AI technology in teaching and learning. A year on, these projects are yielding important findings for best teaching practices. In this workshop, two of our EDGE-AI projects share their work so far, their findings, and how these findings can help shape the new landscape of generative AI in teaching and learning.

Grading with AI: How to Save Time, Improve Feedback, & Increase Consistency


About the workshop:

Grading and assessment continue to be significant challenges for many educators. It requires considerable time and effort to grade assignments. It requires even more time and energy to provide quality feedback, resulting in few instructors offering as many suggestions for improvement as they would like. Finally, even the most committed educators can lose focus after grading tens or even hundreds of essays, which may lead to inconsistent and unfair evaluations.

Co-Creating the Future of Education: Innovations in Student Partnership Initiatives

This workshop showcases the collaborative efforts of student partnership teams from HKUST, HKBU, and HKU, demonstrating the transformative potential of student-staff collaborations in shaping the future of higher education. These partnerships have led to developing unique projects that enhance learning experiences and embody the essence of co-creation in education. Participants will be introduced to various initiatives, including projects that gamify medical education to increase empathy and awareness of healthcare disparities, design learning activities to enhance financial literacy skills and enhance students’ teaching experience with AI technology. These initiatives exemplify how student partnerships can improve learning outcomes, equip students with skills for the future, and innovate teaching methods. The session will offer valuable insights into the strategies and advantages of student partnerships, highlighting how they can inspire students to take an active role in their education. Furthermore, it will provide faculty members with fresh perspectives on teaching, enhancing their understanding of student experiences and needs.

Engaging Students: Leveraging on competition and collaboration

Engaging students can be quite challenging, especially in courses where class sizes are high. The speaker will share some techniques he has used in his classes to encourage engagement and participation in the classroom. The techniques leverage on competition and collaboration in the classroom. Students first engage in some form of healthy competition which sparks student interest in a topic, then reflect on the lessons from the competition, and then finally collaborate by sharing their self-discovery with others, which can lead to great synergies in learning.

Utilising Generative AI in Assessment Design

The integration of Generative AI into assessments in higher education has led to concerns over their validity among the teaching staff. Despite the many benefits of Generative AI, some fear that it will reduce the need for critical engagement that is key to deep and meaningful learning. Given the near impossibility for it to be out-designed, the best option available would be to design assessment tasks around it. Drawing on a number of case studies of top universities around the world, this seminar discusses strategies on how Gen AI can be implemented in assessment to a varying extent across different academic disciplines to foster student empowerment and engagement.

Pre-recorded Video Workshop | SPRING 2024


Turning your slideshows into educational videos

Your students are digital whizzes! They can learn almost anything from solving math problems to fixing machines just by watching videos. That's why we are bringing you a pre-recorded video workshop where you can learn to create educational videos using the familiar tool – MS PowerPoint.

If you are new to video production, no worries! MS PowerPoint makes it easy-peasy!

Video Management and In-video Activities Workshop | SPRING 2024


Creating an interactive video-based learning environment

We are thrilled to announce the launch of not one, but two new tools that will make video learning even more exciting! Our home-grown Video Management System (VMS) and In-video Activities (IVA) tool are designed to help you create an interactive video-based learning environment complete with video analytics that track your students’ video learning progress.