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e-Socrates: A generative AI Q&A platform for active learning

e-Socrates: A generative AI Q&A platform for active learning

Project Leader: David LAM, Stanley LEUNG
School: School of Engineering (SENG)
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)
Project Year: 2023/24
Duration: 2023-2025
Description: The project is creating an adaptive learning platform that incorporates a generative AI-powered e-Socrates (virtual tutor), accessible to students at any time and from any location. The platform will generate mock quiz questions and answers, encouraging students to practice and improve their comprehension and test performance. This virtual tutor approach is being applied across multiple courses and is expected to have broad applicability across other MAE courses too. The goal of this project is to create a comprehensive learning platform that adapts to the diverse learning needs of individual students. The use of AI technology also means that the platform will be able to analyze students’ performance data and adjust and refine its teaching methods accordingly.
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Virtual Teaching Assistant


Type of innovation
Project year