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Funded Projects



Project Name Department Project leader Type of innovation Project year
Enhancing students' self-efficacy through inquiry-based assessment techniques LIFS Prof Karen CHAN Inquiry-based Learning 2014/15
Enhancing Students’ VR Job Interview Practice Experience through Oculus Software for Business Students and Beyond CLE Ms Kasina WONG AR/VR 2022/23
Enhancing the Experiential Aspects of COMP4441 Computer Music CSE Prof Andrew HORNER Experiential Learning 2014/15
Environmental Economics and Policy Clinic ENVR Dr K L SHUM Case-based Learning 2015/16
Expansion of Experiential Learning through SIGHT Platform CBE Prof Ying CHAU Experiential Learning 2015/16
Experiential Digital Learning in the Extended Curriculum CLE Mr Levi LAM, Mr Mark MELICAN Experiential Learning 2022/23
Experiential Learning in Aerospace Engineering: Development of an Interactive Online Gaming Platform to Improve Student Understanding of Aircraft Performance and Design MAE Prof Larry LI Experiential Learning 2015/16
Extension of Safety Education to Industrial Chemical Plant Safety by Anlysis of Process and Instrument Diagrams (P and ID) integrated with a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) Methodology and Industrial Case Studies CBE Prof J P BARFORD eLearning 2014/15
Flipping the Classroom with iPad CSE Dr Kenneth W T LEUNG Flipped Classroom 2014/15
Fostering a mindset of diversity that promotes inclusiveness, collegiality, and respect - Enhancing students’ intercultural learning experiences and competence CLE Ms Melissa MEGAN Community of Practice 2022/23
Fostering a mindset of OpenVerse: An Open-Source Metaverse Platform for Metaverse Education ISD Prof Tristan BRAUD AR/VR, Education Technology 2023/24
From Ideas to Action: Planning for sustainable CSR MGMT Dr Mary HO Experiential Learning 2014/15
Game-Based Learning for COMP2711 CSE Dr Kenneth W T LEUNG Gamification/Game-based Learning 2023/24
Gamification, Virtual Reality Pedagogy for the Provision of Active-Learning in Genetics, Forensics, & Biochemistry Laboratories LIFS Prof Robert KO, Dr Aftab AMIN AR/VR 2024/25
Gamifying the Electives for E-Core course 3 and 4 CLE Ms Suzan STAMPER, Ms Tess HOGUE Gamification/Game-based Learning 2020/21
Immersive and interactive 3D virtual site visits for civil engineering courses CIVL Prof Thomas HU AR/VR 2020/21
Implementing Virtual Reality Application as a Job Interview Practice Tool for Business Students and Beyond CLE Ms Kasina WONG AR/VR 2020/21
Integrated Aerospace Education Platform to Support Multidisciplinary Air Transportation Vehicle Design MAE Prof Rhea LIEM Education Technology 2020/21
Integrated Platform to Support Aircraft Design and Performance Analysis MAE Prof Rhea LIEM, Prof Stephane REDONNET Education Technology 2019/20
Interactive multi-source transport data platform for learning smart transport planning and management CIVL Prof Sisi JIAN Education Technology 2021/22