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(Updated since Feb 2023)
Prof Marshal Liu
Prof Chen CHENG

ENVR 1050 - The Sustainable Citizens
Prof Robert GIBSON
ENVR 1170 - Climate Change, Sustainability and Big History
Prof Alexis LAU & Prof Jimmy FUNG
ENVR 3003 - Green Buildings and Energy Management
Prof David BROWN
ENVR 3220 - Energy Sources and Usage
Prof LAUrence DELINA
ENVR 4320 - ESG Management and Reporting
Prof Robert GIBSON
RMBI 1020 - Business Intelligence in Contemporary Society
Dr Jiying WANG
EMBA 5080 - Managerial Finance I
Prof Vidhan GOYAL
FINA 5120 - Corporate Finance
Prof Vidhan GOYAL
FINA 5350 - Strategic Finance & Value Creation
Prof Vidhan GOYAL
ISOM 1500 - Insightful Decisions
Prof Ronald LAU
ISOM 2030 - Protecting Business Innovations
Prof Theodore CLARK
ISOM 2700 - Operations Management
Prof Ronald LAU
ISOM 3010 - Information Systems Project Management
Prof Jeevan JAISINGH
ISOM 3100 - Business Simulation and Strategic Decisions
Prof Theodore CLARK
ISOM 3210 - Information Systems Analysis & Design
Prof Xiaojun ZHANG
ISOM 3230 - Business Application Programming
Prof James SH KWOK
ISOM 3260 - Database Design and Administration
Prof James THONG & Prof Muller CHEUNG
ISOM 3730 - Quality and Process Management
Prof Ki Ling CHEUNG
ISOM 4100 - Information Systems Auditing and Security
Prof James SH KWOK
ISOM 4740 - Enterprise Resource Management
Prof Ronald LAU
ISOM 4770 - Supply Chain Management
Prof Ki Ling CHEUNG
ISOM 5200 - Protecting Business Innovations
Prof Theodore CLARK
ISOM 5460 - Project Management
Prof Jeevan JAISINGH
MARK 3430 - Global Marketing Management
Prof Kristiaan HELSEN
MARK 3520 - Competitive Positioning
CENG 1000 - Introduction to Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Prof Ka Ming NG
CENG 2210 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Prof Henry LAM
CENG/BIEN 2310 - Modeling for Chemical and Biological Engineering
Prof Henry LAM
CENG 3150 - Integrated Chemical Process and Product Design
Prof Ying CHAU, Prof Richard LAKERVELD, Prof Frank LAM, Prof Henry LAM and Prof
Marshal LIU
CENG 4130 - Plant Design and Economics
Prof Marshal LIU
CIVL 1140 - Environmental Quality Control and Improvement
Prof Shang CHII
CIVL 2110 - Statics
CIVL 3310 - Structural Analysis
Prof Chih-chen CHANG
COMP 1001 - Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing
Prof Kenneth LEUNG
COMP 1022P - Introduction to Computing with Java
COMP 1029A - Introduction to Mobile Application Development Using
Prof Jogesh MUPPLA
COMP 3111 - Software Engineering
Prof Kenneth LEUNG
COMP 4431 - Multimedia Computing
Prof Gibson LAM
ELEC 4820 - Medical Imaging
Prof Weichuan YU
ELEC 5810 - Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms
Prof Weichuan YU
ELEC 2100 - Signals and Systems
Prof Albert WONG
ELEC 3500 - Microelectronic Devices and Technology
Prof Mansun CHAN
IELM 2510 - Engineering Probability and Statistics
Prof Jiheng ZHANG
IELM 3270 - Quality Engineering
Prof Fugee TSUNG
MECH 1901 - Automotive Engineering and Technologies
Prof Kai TANG
MECH 2020 - Statics and Dynamics
Prof Robin MA
MECH 2520 - Design and Manufacturing I
Prof Michael WANG & Prof Robin MA
MECH 3420 - Engineering Materials II
Prof Hong TAO
MECH 3830 - Laboratory
Prof Huihe QIU
LANG 1004 - Mediated Me: An Introduction to Digital Literacy
RMBI 4980 - Risk Management and Business Intelligence Capstone Project
Mr Derek WONG & Mr Nick WONG
RMBI 4990 - Risk Management and Business Intelligence Capstone Project
Mr Nick WONG
SHSS 3001 - New History and New China, 1700-2000: Medium
Prof James LEE
SOSC 2330 - Environmental Politics and Policy
Prof James WONG
SOSC/PPOL 3850 - Ethics and Public Affairs
Prof James WONG
HUMA 1000 - Cultures and Values (writing workshop component)
Mr Nigel HUCKSTEP (Course Lead)
HUMA 2240 - Reading Chinese Literature: Dreams of the Red Chamber
Prof Jianmei LIU
HUMA 3202 - Chinese Creative Writing: Reading Literary Classics and Writing Essays
Prof Jianmei LIU
HUMA 3203 - Chinese Creative Writing: Reading Literary Classics and Writing Novels
Prof Lianke YAN
CHEM 3010 - Great Ideas in Chemistry
DASC 2110 Object-oriented Programming for Data Analytics in Science
Dr Krates NG
LIFS 1902 - General Biology II
Prof Andrew MILLER, Dr Jessica TANG & Dr Sarah HO
LIFS 1930 - Nature of Life Sciences
Prof Robert KO, Dr Philip LAM, Dr Melody LEUNG, Dr Helen CHEUNG & Dr Jessica
SCIE 1050 - Gastronomy
Prof King Chow & Prof Lam Lung Yeung
MATH 1012 - Calculus IA
Dr Albert KU
MATH 2741 - Geometric Constructions
Dr Albert KU
OCES1001 - The Earth as a Blue Planet
Prof Peiyuan QIAN, Prof Yan WANG, Prof Qinglu ZENG, Prof Stanley LAU, Prof Wenxiong
WANG, Prof Hongbin LIU, Prof Jianping GAN & Dr Ice KO
PHYS 4050 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
PHYS 4055 - Nuclear and Particle Physics
Prof Tao LIU