Education & Generative AI (EDGE-AI) Fund
Call for Proposals - Spring 2024
The Education and Generative AI (EDGE-AI) Fund aims to encourage faculty and teaching staff to innovate in their teaching with generative AI tools. It promotes curriculum design innovation, develops new assessment methods, and facilitates professional development and knowledge transfer.
Proposals are invited for program-level, course-level, and cross-disciplinary projects that integrate generative AI technology into the undergraduate curriculum. Priority will be given to projects focusing on adopting generative AI to:
- enrich engagement in teaching activities
- foster authentic learning through experiential approaches
- measure students' learning progress and provide timely feedback
- design, develop, and deliver assessments and assessment analytics
- facilitate active learning with competency-based, challenge-based, and inquiry-based pedagogies
For more information on possible uses of generative AI in teaching and learning, you can explore the following resources:
Up to HK$250,000. Clear justification must be provided for the requested amount. The funding can be used for:
- Hiring support staff, such as project assistants to support the project leader in the project development
- Hiring temporary staff to partially release the project leader from regular commitments to work on the project
Expenses NOT normally covered by the funding include:
- Equipment and teaching material expenses should be covered by the relevant School/Department
- Conference attendance, publications in journals, and traveling outside Hong Kong
- Refreshments for functions/events
- Provision of student incentives, such as coupons or allowances, for participating in the study
Funding Committee
This funding is managed by the Center for Education Innovation (CEI). The proposals are reviewed by a sub-committee of CEI.
Eligibility for Application
All full-time faculty and teaching staff at the University with teaching responsibilities are eligible to apply.
Important Dates
March 31, 2024
April 30, 2024
June 2024
Key Assessment Criteria
Funding will be allocated through competitive bidding to high-quality proposals that meet the following criteria:
- Alignment with the EDGE-AI fund: Clearly connect with the aim of the EDGE-AI Fund and its alignment with improving the undergraduate curriculum or promoting innovative teaching and learning practices at HKUST.
- Impact: Demonstrate a clear and measurable impact on student engagement, learning outcomes, and assessment practices.
- Wide Applicability: Show a clear and measurable impact on a large number of students.
- Feasibility: Present a realistic scope and plan for deliverables, given the available funding resources and time frame.
- Evidence-based Approach: Include a clear and systematic evaluation plan to demonstrate the attainment of project objectives, outcomes, and deliverables.
- Project Management: Provide a clear and systematic design, development, and implementation plan that outlines how each milestone will be achieved and how the final target will be met.
- Risk Management: Identify potential risks, such as ethical considerations, that may arise during project implementation and provide strategies to address them.
- Sustainability: Outline a plan for integrating project outcomes into the regular curriculum and ensuring their continuation beyond the funding period.
- Relevance and transferability: Assess the extent to which project outcomes are relevant to additional courses and can be transferred to other courses within the department. This includes aligning with the learning objectives and curriculum of identified courses and considering the potential for adapting and implementing project outcomes in other courses.
Project Reporting and Dissemination Requirements
The project leader must:
- Disseminate project outcomes, including findings, deliverables, and experiences, through professional development within the School/Department/Division. The objective is to share with colleagues how the project deliverables can be implemented in other courses.
- Submit annual progress reports to CEI that describe and evaluate the implementation progress of approved projects.
- Submit a final report to CEI upon project completion. The final report must outline how the project team disseminated project outcomes and demonstrate the successful adaptation and implementation of project outcomes in two identified courses within the department
Application Procedures
1 | Download and complete the EDGE-AI Fund proposal template.
2 | Preliminary proposal: Email to June Chan by the specified deadline. Upon receiving your submission, CEI will provide feedback and suggestions to help shape the proposal.
3 | Final proposal: Email the softcopy to June Chan by the specified deadline. Once the softcopy is accepted, seek endorsement from relevant parties and send us the endorsed copy.
4 | Pitch your ideas: Submit a short video or slide deck together with your final proposal. The presentation should cover:
- The problem/opportunity being addressed
- For example, by leveraging generative AI to develop intelligent tutoring systems, students can receive personalized and adaptive learning experiences tailored to their individual needs and learning styles.
- Description of your solution
- Course(s) involved
- Target and size of the beneficiaries (e.g., students/teaching faculty)
- Value of the solution to teaching and learning
- How this project will inform future teaching practices, courses, and/or curriculum design
Contact Dr. Sean McMinn, Director of CEI, if you have any questions on the above or want advice on strengthening the project ideas.