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Community For Enhancing Intercultural Learning Experiences



This Community supports and promotes the efforts of faculty and staff to enhance the intercultural learning experiences and competence of students at HKUST. Findings of a survey of UG students regarding their intercultural learning experiences (conducted in 2017), as well as those from a study of faculty and staff and their understanding of student expectations of these experiences (conducted in 2019) indicate a need for attention to these issues.

Interactive Webinar: Looking into Entrepreneurship Education, through the Lens of Multi-media Storytelling


The Session

Entrepreneurship education is beyond helping students to start their own business. In face of the uncertain future, it is of critical importance to encourage our students to be entrepreneurial: proactive, resilient, agile, diligent and curious. To us, the most important startup is YOU.

Co-hosted by the Center for Education Innovation and Professor Erwin Huang, an interactive webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 13:00 - 14:00. In this webinar, we will:

Community for Enhancing Intercultural Learning Experiences: Student Panel Discussion and Faculty/Staff Forum – What does diversity and inclusiveness mean to you?



Our goal is to embrace and value differences, to learn from each other, and to foster a mindset of diversity that promotes inclusiveness, collegiality, and respect.’ (HKUST Strategic Plan 2021-2028)

This forum will bring together students from across the University to discuss the importance of this goal, how it is addressed and what more might be done to achieve it.

These HKUST students will take part in the discussion:

CoP: Community For Enhancing Intercultural Learning Experiences



This Community will support and promote the efforts of faculty and staff to enhance the intercultural learning experiences and competence of students at HKUST. Findings of a survey of UG students regarding their intercultural learning experiences (conducted in 2017), as well as those from a study of faculty and staff and their understanding of student expectations of these experiences (conducted in 2019) indicate a need for attention to these issues.

Inaugural Meeting CoP to Enhance Students’ Intercultural Learning Experience and Competence



This Community will support and promote the efforts of faculty and staff to enhance the intercultural learning experiences and competence of students at HKUST.  

Findings of a survey of UG students regarding their intercultural learning experiences (conducted in 2017), as well as those from a study of faculty and staff and their understanding of student expectations of these experiences (conducted in 2019) indicate a need for attention to these issues. 

Flipping the Course: some unintended learning outcomes



Introduction to Sustainability (SUST 1000) was approved for the undergraduate common core in June 2016. The course has been delivered four times, with each delivery taken as an opportunity to increase the use of in-class time for activities, rather than for content delivery. This process has been one of discovery – how to handle the on-line materials, how to set up in-class activities, how to assess for learning. As in any teaching endeavor, we are the ones who have learned the most, both about the subject and about how to deliver it.

Experiential Learning at UST: Mistakes, Lessons, More Mistakes…That’s Experiential



“ ... I noticed a pattern in the way all of our team members worked that makes me smile when thinking about the future. That pattern stems from failure. There were many ...

A Fantasy-Adventure Approach to an Experiential Computer Music Course



In this seminar, the presenter has shared their experience in restructuring the Computer Music course as an experiential course with fantasy-adventure lab assignments. He also demonstrated how the same fantasy-adventure approach can be applied to any course, even technical courses. Their inspiration was to set up the course like a Harry Potter potions class at Hogwarts. Just as a potion might change the disposition of someone, music rather magically modulates the mood of listeners.