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Join-the-Conversation: Creating High-Impact Learning Experience through Internationalizing the Co-Curriculum



One of the ultimate goals of internationalizing education is to create a favourable international learning environment from which all students can benefit and therefore develop the knowledge, attributes and skills that are needed in today’s global world. This is also the essence of ‘internationalization at home’ (Nilsson, 2003). To achieve this, internationalization of the co-curriculum is as important as that of the formal curriculum (Leask, 2015).

Forum on Undergraduates Intercultural Needs and Challenges at HKUST



As an international university, our students came from all around the globe, speaking different languages, and having diverse cultural backgrounds.  In 2017, the Center for Education Innovation conducted a study on ‘Undergraduate Intercultural Needs and Challenges at HKUST’ with the purposes to (1) understand students’ expectation and intercultural experience; (2) identify any intercultural needs and challenges in their classroom study; and, (3) derive suitable ways to address the identified issues.

Join-the-Conversation: Leveraging Diversity in Classrooms - Opportunities and Challenges



The accelerating rate of globalisation in higher education brings together learners and teachers from different institutes, creating a heterogeneous yet diverse environment. In preparing our students for global citizenship, it is important that we incorporate international and intercultural perspectives into both the curriculum and our classroom facilitation.

Faculty Workshops on Intercultural Teaching & Course Design



This series of workshops provided the participants with the techniques for incorporating intercultural perspectives in their curriculum, and the facilitation skills that are useful for in an intercultural classroom. Participants also gained a better understanding on the pedagogical good practices for engaging students in their intercultural classroom.

Workshop 1: Course Design for the Intercultural Classroom (23 May, 09:30 – 12:30)