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Community of Practice

Inaugural Meeting CoP to Enhance Students’ Intercultural Learning Experience and Competence



This Community will support and promote the efforts of faculty and staff to enhance the intercultural learning experiences and competence of students at HKUST.  

Findings of a survey of UG students regarding their intercultural learning experiences (conducted in 2017), as well as those from a study of faculty and staff and their understanding of student expectations of these experiences (conducted in 2019) indicate a need for attention to these issues. 

Join-the-Conversation: Creating High-Impact Learning Experience through Internationalizing the Co-Curriculum



One of the ultimate goals of internationalizing education is to create a favourable international learning environment from which all students can benefit and therefore develop the knowledge, attributes and skills that are needed in today’s global world. This is also the essence of ‘internationalization at home’ (Nilsson, 2003). To achieve this, internationalization of the co-curriculum is as important as that of the formal curriculum (Leask, 2015).

Join-the-Conversation: Leveraging Diversity in Classrooms - Opportunities and Challenges



The accelerating rate of globalisation in higher education brings together learners and teachers from different institutes, creating a heterogeneous yet diverse environment. In preparing our students for global citizenship, it is important that we incorporate international and intercultural perspectives into both the curriculum and our classroom facilitation.