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Common Core

Flipping the Course: some unintended learning outcomes



Introduction to Sustainability (SUST 1000) was approved for the undergraduate common core in June 2016. The course has been delivered four times, with each delivery taken as an opportunity to increase the use of in-class time for activities, rather than for content delivery. This process has been one of discovery – how to handle the on-line materials, how to set up in-class activities, how to assess for learning. As in any teaching endeavor, we are the ones who have learned the most, both about the subject and about how to deliver it.

Common Core Program Series: Why are my students sleeping in class? – Simple active learning activities to motivate students in large class



Class size is a major concern to any educational system and there are well-acknowledged challenges of large class teaching at the university. “A large class as one in which characteristics and conditions present themselves as inter-related and collective constraints that impede meaningful teaching and learning”. However, the fact is that no matter the class is big or small, instructors are expected to teach and assess students effectively.

Common Core Program Series: The Chemistry Behind Motivating Students



Dr Jason CHAN, the recipient of the Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2016, has revealed his secrets of teaching in this seminar. In particular, he featured his experience and practices in managing and engaging large classes with over 300 students with diverse backgrounds. He also shared his views on the traditional textbook approach and his adoption of an experiential learning project component in his course design and delivery for creating a unique learning experience for students.