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Enhancing students' self-efficacy through inquiry-based assessment techniques


Enhancing students' self-efficacy through inquiry-based assessment techniques

Enhancing students' self-efficacy through inquiry-based assessment techniques

Project Leader: Prof Karen CHAN
School: School of Science
Department: Life Science (LIFS)
Funding Year: 2014/15

The goal of this project is to research if shifting the emphasis of assessment to mastery of skills concerning scientific inquiry would help increasing students’ internal motivation to learning, and ultimately improve learning outcome. The goal will be achieved by:

  • Modifying and further developing a set of problem sets that are data-driven and inquired-based on core concepts of ocean sciences
  • Engaging students in an online virtual lab as a final project
  • Adopting a scientific approach and quantify the effectiveness of these intervention through the use of concept inventories, attitude surveys and focus groups.

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: Inquiry-Based Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year