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Project Evaluation

As part of the efforts to create and establish good models for Blended Learning (BL) courses at HKUST, all of the current BL courses take part in an evaluation process. Data is collected from all stakeholders and analyzed to highlight good practices, challenges and areas for improvements.

Customized Interactive Learning Objects

To help students achieve specific learning objectives, sometimes we may need to design and develop customized learning objects for interactive learning or assessment purposes. CEI will assist faculty and teaching staff in their approved projects to design, prototype and develop customized interactive learning objects. These learning objects can be deployed on Canvas as well as the MOOC platforms such as Coursera and edX.

Project Workflow

Upon approval of your MOOC proposal by the eLearning Task Force, CEI will touch base to kick start your project. The central support team, consisting different skill sets, will provide assistance along the development workflow.

Active Learning Classrooms

The University promotes Blended Learning (BL) as one of the active learning pedagogies. Apart from providing support in designing/redesigning your courses using the BL approach, the University is also providing specially designed classrooms to facilitate interactive learning activities in-class. Courses delivering in the BL mode will have priority using these classrooms.