Call for Proposals | Teaching and Learning Innovation Projects | FALL 2019

About the TLIP
With the University’s goal of achieving effective learning by enhancing students’ motivation and active engagement through a variety of active learning pedagogies, the fundamental aim of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Projects (TLIP) is to encourage faculty and teaching staff to initiate and experiment innovative ideas in their teaching. Program-level, course-level, and cross-disciplinary projects integrating the following areas in the formal undergraduate curriculum are particularly welcome in this call for proposals.
- Leveraging the Blended Learning approach to flip your classroom
- Fostering authentic learning through experiential approaches in academic courses
- Integration of mixed reality (augmented and virtual reality) technology in teaching
- Embedding international content in courses and internationalizing teaching and learning activities and assessment methods
- Incorporating gamificationand game-based learning to enrich engagement
If you are interested to know more about the different funding details and application procedures in CEI, you can click either the eLearning or teaching innovation initiative link down below. Alternatively, you can contact June Chan (eLearning initiatives) or Dr. Beatrice Chu (teaching innovation initiatives) for enquiries and advice on strengthening your project proposal.