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Are AI Users Cutting-Edge Innovators or Incompetent Slackers? Image Concerns in the Use and Adoption of Generative AI


Are AI Users Cutting-Edge Innovators or Incompetent Slackers? Image Concerns in the Use and Adoption of Generative AI

Are AI Users Cutting-Edge Innovators or Incompetent Slackers? Image Concerns in the Use and Adoption of Generative AI

Project Leader: T Bradford BITTERLY, David HAGMANN
School: School of Business and Management (SBM)
Department: Department of Management (MGMT)
Project Year: 2023/24
Duration: 2023-2025
Description: The project examines how people perceive those who use generative AI. Based on psychology and economics, it predicts that people will view their own AI use positively and others’ use negatively. This project subsequently explores students' perceptions of GenAI on a piece of graded work to foster an appreciation for how AI can benefit educational work, without tutor or student efforts becoming undervalued by AI associations. By addressing inaccurate inferences, the interventions hope to create an environment where all can realize AI's potential gains without facing social setbacks in the teaching and learning process.
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Assessment and Feedback


Type of innovation
Project year