Be a life-long learner and join us on Coursera for HKUST!

We would like to introduce a new pilot scheme that allows our current students and staff to enjoy the privilege of certificate charge waiver when taking our MOOCs on the exclusive Coursera for HKUST platform. The pilot scheme is set to promote eLearning as a means of life-long, self-directed learning. We plan to pilot the scheme for a year from now and follow up with a review.
Get started now by accessing these courses through this exclusive platform. To enjoy the privilege, make sure to log in to the platform using your ITSC account (i.e. use the 'Log in with HKUST' button in the Sign Up box). Please note, courses offered through this scheme are non-credit bearing.
Email us at if you have any enquires on the scheme.
Email if you have problems logging into the platform.
Happy learning!
Centre for Education Innovation