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Learning modules for sustainability education


Learning modules for sustainability education

Learning modules for sustainability education

Project Leader: Prof Davis BOOKHART
School: Interdisciplinary Programs Office
Department: Environment (ENVR)
Project Start Year: 2017/18

The project intends to addresses this challenge by creating a portfolio of learning modules – Learning Modules for Sustainability Education. These learning modules will be short in duration, “bite-sized” blended-learning deliveries that focus on specific issues, and will be offered in one credit blocks over a standard four-week summer period. Over time, such modules could provide for a coherent and fully developed education in sustainability. These learning experiences will not be MOOCs: in-class, face-to-face activities will be a critical part of the delivery. The pilot phase of the project will take place in the Summer-Term 2018. Two distinct leaning modules will be offered each week – eight total – giving the students the opportunity to choose one per week that most suits their interests. At the end of the Summer session, students will have completed four modules and will then complete an assessment exercise to demonstrate how they understand the connections between the four modules. The assessment will provide the grade and students will be granted one credit.

Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: eLearning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year