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Creation a web-based learning platform for advanced Chinese Learners


Creation a web-based learning platform for advanced Chinese Learners

Creation a web-based learning platform for advanced Chinese Learners

Project Leader: Dr Shelia LIANG
School: School of Humanities & Social Science
Department: Center for Language Education (previously Language Center) (CLE)
Project Start Year: 2016/17

This project aims to incorporate Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) materials to enhance an advanced Chinese communication course (LANG 1127), designed for UST undergraduates of non-Chinese speaking backgrounds and exchange students who have learned Chinese for about 350 hours. Currently the Center for Language Education offers 8 levels of Chinese communication courses (Chinese for Non-Chinese Language Background Students LANG1120-1127) to cater for the diverse needs and proficiency levels of students of non-Chinese speaking backgrounds. Students who take the courses come from very different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. By virtue of a placement test, students are allocated to courses appropriate to them.

Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: eLearning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year