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Motivating Student's Interest in Earthquake Engineering via Reverse Experiential Learning


Motivating Student's Interest in Earthquake Engineering via Reverse Experiential Learning

Motivating Student's Interest in Earthquake Engineering via Reverse Experiential Learning

Project Leader: Prof C C CHANG
School: School of Engineering
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVL)
Project Start Year: 2016/17

This project proposed to reverse this traditional learning pattern by introducing an entry level experiential learning earthquake engineering course developed based on the Kolb’s experiential learning cycle: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. To strengthen students’ actual experience, they will be engaged in designing and building scaled building models which will be tested against simulated earthquake in a competition. The objective is to provide students with a clear motivation and joyful experience that can stimulate their further pursuit of the relevant technical knowledge. The objective of this project is to develop necessary ingredients to assist the development of this experiential learning course which is aimed at the common core level and opened to all year-1 students or students without prior knowledge in earthquake engineering related courses. To facilitate learning of students without technical background, the relevant knowledge that is traditionally arranged in a sequential and interrelated fashion needs to be revamped and reorganized. Specifically, the following two key elements will be developed: (1) a database containing relevant earthquake engineering knowledge and (2) some experiments to demonstrate concepts of key knowledge.

Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year