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An Interactive Web-Based Playground for Instant Trials and Analytics in Blockchain-related Courses


An Interactive Web-Based Playground for Instant Trials and Analytics in Blockchain-related Courses

An Interactive Web-Based Playground for Instant Trials and Analytics in Blockchain-related Courses

Project Leader: Dr Daoyuan WU, Prof Yanzhen CHEN
School: School of Science (SSCI), School of Business and Management (SBM)
Department: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management (ISOM)
Project Start Year: 2024/25

In blockchain-related courses at HKUST, such as COMP4541, ISOM3350, and ACCT5801, students are required to develop smart contracts, which are essential components of blockchain technology. However, a significant challenge is that students cannot immediately test their contracts in a real blockchain environment due to technical and logistical barriers. To address this issue, this project introduces a novel web-based platform that utilizes Foundry, a popular development toolchain, to simulate a blockchain environment tailored to each student’s contract. This approach will not only enable instant feedback on smart contracts but is also supported by educational theories that promote active learning and engagement, such as experiential learning models. On this platform students will have the ability to (1) upload their contracts, (2) receive immediate compilation feedback on their correctness, (3) obtain instant runtime feedback by simulating the blockchain execution environment and mimicking transactions for their contracts, and (4) gain advanced analytics through LLM-based analysis of Foundry’s raw transaction details to provide optimized results.

Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Education Technology
Type of innovation
Project year