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Developing a T&L module for AI-assisted Design Thinking


Developing a T&L module for AI-assisted Design Thinking

Developing a T&L module for AI-assisted Design Thinking

Project Leader: Erwin HUANG, Jack LEUNG
School: School of Engineering (SENG)
Department: Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD)
Project Year: 2023/24
Duration: 2023-2025
Description: This project aims to develop a teaching and learning (T&L) module for AI-assisted Design Thinking in recognizing that students use generative-AI tools as part of their design thinking process. The module is embedded in courses by means of structured and non-structured activities to give students hands-on experiences to explore the possibilities, limitations, and ethical considerations of generative-AI tools. The experience and materials from this project will be shared with the HKUST teaching community, in particular instructors who are interested in adopting these tools in their design thinking courses.
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Virtual Teaching Assistant


Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year