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Interactive multi-source transport data platform for learning smart transport planning and management


Interactive multi-source transport data platform for learning smart transport planning and management

Interactive multi-source transport data platform for learning smart transport planning and management

Project Leader: Sisi JIAN
School: School of Engineering
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVL)
Project Start Year: 2021/22

The aim of this project is to foster authentic learning, such that students will learn data-driven transport planning and management through using the proposed interactive multi-source data platform. Using this platform, students will be able to evaluate and analyze the current transport network intuitively. Further, students are expected to have a deeper understanding of traffic management and be able to create a new policy plan or find an interesting research question after playing with the platform. In addition to learning the necessary theory and skills, our platform will let Civil engineering students gain deeper understanding of the transportation industry and their future career paths.

Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Education Technology
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year