Departmental GTA Support
For departmental issues, you may contact the Graduate Teaching Assistant Coordinators (TACs) or Postgraduate Programs Coordinators (PGCs) of your department.
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Postgraduate Programs Coordinator
The Postgraduate Programs Coodinators (PGCs) play a critical role in overseeing the work of all RPGs within the department. The GTAs provide academic support under the supervision of PGCs and supervising faculty.

Teaching Assistant Coordinator
Teaching Assistant Coordinators (TACs) are experienced GTAs chosen by departments to work as a bridge between GTAs, PGCs and the department. They also work closely with CEI in coordinating support for GTAs in performing duties.
Contact Information
Please click the following for the PGC and TAC contact details of your department.
The School of Science consists of five academic units, which are: Division of Life Science (LIFS), Department of Ocean Science (OCES), Chemistry (CHEM), Mathematics (MATH) and Physics (PHYS).
Postgraduate Programs Coordinator Directory
Teaching Assistant Coordinator Directory
The School of Engineering consists of the following departments/programs, which are: Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering (CBE), Bioengineering Graduate Program (BIEN), Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CIVL), Program in Environmental Engineering (EVNG), Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Program in Big Data Technology (BDT), Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering (ECE), Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA),Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD), Program in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship, and Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE).
Postgraduate Programs Coordinator Directory
Teaching Assistant Coordinator Directory
Mr Weiqi WANG|
Mr Zhaowei WANG |
The School of Business and Management is made up of six departments, which are Accounting (ACCT), Economics (ECON), Finance (FINA), Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management (ISOM), Marketing (MARK) and Management (MGMT).
Postgraduate Programs Coordinator Directory
Teaching Assistant Coordinator Directory
The School of Humanities and Social Science comprises two divisions which are the Division of Humanities (HUMA) and the Division of Social Science (SOSC).
Postgraduate Programs Coordinator Directory
Teaching Assistant Coordinator Directory
The Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies comprises of three divisions which are the Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR), the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) and the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas.
Postgraduate Programs Coordinator Directory
Teaching Assistant Coordinator Directory