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Building students’ creativity systematically through an idea incubation course


Building students’ creativity systematically through an idea incubation course

Building students’ creativity systematically through an idea incubation course

Project Leader: Ben Y B CHAN
School: Others
Department: Center for Engineering Education Innovation
Project Start Year: 2021/22

Creativity is crucial for the society to solve problems likely to arise in future. However, many factors in reality hinder the exploration of our own creativity. These factors may include comfort with customs, unsupportive environment as well as the misconception that creativity only belongs to certain people through eureka moments. Yet many research studies have figured out that the creativity power is not biased to anyone. It is a quality that everyone could be strengthened through systematic training, implying the necessary and importance to provide such kind of training to our students. This project proposes an idea incubation course which will help students to better leverage their creative potential. The course is theoretically based on Rhodes’ 4P dimensions of creativity with different subtopics covered in each session. Students will be immersed in many intriguing activities and morphology workshops to learn how to generate large number of creative ideas and express their creativity via different media. Through this course, students could not only enrich their technique in creativity, but also create original artifacts individually and collaboratively incorporating the essence they learn in the course. What’s more important, it will build students’ confidence in their creative journey and raise their awareness to have creative minds in their future studies and careers.

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: Students as Partners
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year