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Practical humanities: Independent filmmaking as experiential learning in film studies


Practical humanities: Independent filmmaking as experiential learning in film studies

Practical humanities: Independent filmmaking as experiential learning in film studies

Project Leader: Prof Daisy DU
School: School of Humanities & Social Science
Department: Humanities (HUMA)
Funding Year: 2015/16

This project aims to integrate concrete experience with the concepts and theories in film studies to bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and real practice in our society. This will be achieved through an independent filmmaking project embedded in a common core film studies course “HUMA 3000X: Independent Cinema in Contemporary China,” which will be offered in spring 2017. Through the filmmaking project students are expected to apply and creatively use the knowledge learned in class, such as film theories, filming techniques, and social issues.

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year