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Scalable Game-Based Experiential Learning Approach for Engineering Management Education


Scalable Game-Based Experiential Learning Approach for Engineering Management Education

Scalable Game-Based Experiential Learning Approach for Engineering Management Education

Project Leader: Prof Xuan QIU
School: School of Engineering
Department: Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IELM)
Project Start Year: 2019/20

To better engage 200+ mostly non-engineering-major Y1 students in the UG common core course, the project aims at introducing & scaling a LEGO-based experiential learning approach to simulate real-life manufacturing scenarios for students to actively apply the math models & design new solutions with peers.
This project aims:

  • To enable students to apply the engineering models to assess/discuss the company’s performance and solve simulated problems
  • To develop students’ deeper understanding of the engineering models
  • To enable students to develop, test & evaluate new strategies for the problems
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Gamification/Game-based Learning
Project leader
Project year