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Who we are in global Hong Kong: Independent research of self, community and identity


Who we are in global Hong Kong: Independent research of self, community and identity

Who we are in global Hong Kong: Independent research of self, community and identity

Project Leader: Prof May-yi SHAW
School: School of Humanities & Social Science
Department: Humanities (HUMA)
Project Start Year: 2017/18

This project attempts to bring theory- or classroom-based teaching on self, community and identity in the context of global Hong Kong into an experiential learning practicum. Students who participate in this project will engage in a two-part learning process - First, they will take the course of HUMA 2280 ("Identity Goes Global: From Border-Crossing to Boundart-Remaking") or HUMA 3200 ("Questions of Humanities in World Literature") to obtain a solid academic foundation on the major theories or discourses involved. Then, students will enroll in a 4000-level HUMA class (will be proposed in Fall 2017) that guides students to design an independent of a community group of people in contemporary Hong Kong.

Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year