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Writing across the disciplines: building self-paced online modules for senior undergraduates


Writing across the disciplines: building self-paced online modules for senior undergraduates

Writing across the disciplines: building self-paced online modules for senior undergraduates

Project Leader: Dr Claudia WONG
School: School of Humanities & Social Science
Department: Center for Language Education (previously Language Center) (CLE)
Funding Year: 2015/16

The project aims at building a self-paced online course on academic writing will allow both language instructors and students to interact at different levels. Instructors can provide specific feedback on students’ activities and writing at the opportune moment where students are in genuine need of help. Students will benefit from taking this course as they can use their time more effectively by skipping modules they are already comfortable with while spending more time on activities and readings that they find useful. Since it is an online course, learners will enjoy autonomy in choosing the format and frequency of interaction according to their preference. (Rhode and Krishnamurthi, 2016). Currently, the plan is to pilot a module in the senior year Science UG English course; the project leader will teach this herself. Students will be asked to complete some activities online (L-C interactions) and some in class (L-I interactions) where they can get timely feedback about their work.

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: eLearning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year