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Application of Virtual Reality for Animal Dissection Teaching Laboratory: An Innovative Active-Learning Pedagogical Approach


Application of Virtual Reality for Animal Dissection Teaching Laboratory: An Innovative Active-Learning Pedagogical Approach

Application of Virtual Reality for Animal Dissection Teaching Laboratory: An Innovative Active-Learning Pedagogical Approach

Project Leader: Robert KO, Aftab AMIN
School: School of Science
Department: Life Science (LIFS)
Funding Year: 2023/24

This project seeks to utilize virtual reality to foster active learning in LIFS1904 (Laboratory for General Biology) and to address the manpower shortages stemming from increased enrollment as well as the shortage of rat cadavers following the pandemic. This project will use gamification to develop a customizable virtual reality platform and story-based narrative to enhance students learning. Deliverables from this project include a VR platform with 3D models and environment relevant to labs, new teaching materials which will be integrated into the VRP, and efforts to share gained expertise across departments.

Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Virtual Reality
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year