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HKUST-AITA program: Leveraging Al to Revolutionize Teaching & Learning at HKUST


HKUST-AITA program: Leveraging Al to Revolutionize Teaching & Learning at HKUST

HKUST-AITA program: Leveraging Al to Revolutionize Teaching & Learning at HKUST

Project Leader: Prof Zhi NING
School: Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS)
Department: Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR)
Project Year: 2024/25
Duration: 2024-2025
Description: This project intends to train and fine-tune a ChatGPT driven AI system with class content from ENVR courses. From here, students will be provided with an avenue to explore class materials interactively and be exposed to a balance of GPT’s data and course-specific knowledge. This platform will also integrate feedback mechanisms and work to ensure data privacy to address the evolving needs of the student body. The overall vision of this project is to offer a personalized learning experience for every student.
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Virtual Teaching Assistant


Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year