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Augmented Reality (AR) in Physics Demonstrations


Augmented Reality (AR) in Physics Demonstrations

Augmented Reality (AR) in Physics Demonstrations

Project Leader: Yee Fai NG
School: School of Science
Department: Physics (PHYS)
Funding Year: 2023/24

This project aims to enhance physics experimental demonstrations by implementing augmented reality (AR) technology to help address some of the difficulty students face in understanding abstract physics concepts. By incorporating AR, students will be able to visualize invisible physical phenomena and interact with virtual objects in a more engaging way. This project will deliver AR-enhanced physics demonstrations where virtual components of texts and figures (e.g. symbols, equations, and graphs) are overlaid in real time on images of real objects (e.g. demonstration equipment). Overall, this project Orives a modern and innovative means for instructors to teach and for students to better grasp abstract physics concepts.

Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Augmented Reality
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year