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Online Reality Labs of Mechanical Engineering


Online Reality Labs of Mechanical Engineering

Online Reality Labs of Mechanical Engineering

Project Leader: Prof Qing CHEN
School: School of Engineering
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)
Project Start Year: 2019/20

This project aims to fully convert a required UG course (ECON 3024: Managerial Macroeconomics) to an active learning pedagogy, where students will be able to transition from being passive “consumers” of economics knowledge, but to becoming active “producers” of knowledge.
Under the new learning pedagogy, the students will be working in group to apply macroeconomic concepts and theories in the investigation of a real-world macroeconomic phenomenon of their interest.
To facilitate the students’ investigation, we will create a Repository of Data Sets & Research Materials (a resource repository in short) that hosts data sets and research materials that are most relevant for the students’ interest.

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: AR/VR
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year