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Virtual Laboratory Module for Online Teaching via Virtual Reality Teaching Approach


Virtual Laboratory Module for Online Teaching via Virtual Reality Teaching Approach

Virtual Laboratory Module for Online Teaching via Virtual Reality Teaching Approach

Project Leader: Prof Frank LAM
School: School of Science
Department: Ocean Science (OCES)
Project Start Year: 2020/21

This project aims to develop a cybernetic experimental module by the VR technology. The scenery of the laboratory module will be animated in the virtual environment. The student can actively conduct the virtual experiment in the simulated background with indicative procedure and guidelines. The virtual experimental module can deliver the knowledge of practical operating procedures and indicate the precautions/safety issues of the specific chemical process/operation. The whole project will be divided into five tasks, including establishment of the laboratory scene, development and identification of the experiment, animation of the movement, guidelines/indications of the experiment operations, and gamification for student evaluation.

Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: AR/VR
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year