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DESR (Data-Enabled Scalable Research) Lab - Incubator of Creative Learners and Hub of Transformation


DESR (Data-Enabled Scalable Research) Lab - Incubator of Creative Learners and Hub of Transformation

DESR (Data-Enabled Scalable Research) Lab - Incubator of Creative Learners and Hub of Transformation

Project Leader: Prof Y H WANG
School: School of Engineering
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVL)
Project Start Year: 2016/17

The main objectives of this proposed project are:

  • To train students to become all‐round leaders or inventors in the IoT industry through, student‐centered, blended and experiential learning at the DESR Lab. Such training currently is not available in the HKUST. Through this project, we hope eventually to build a culture and a momentum in the HKUST so powerful itself that our university will lead the technology entrepreneurial atmosphere in Hong Kong.
  • To help all the participated students, with the guidance from the mentors during the whole learning and training process, gradually develop the sense of achievement, understand their self‐value, and ultimately establish the self‐confidence that enables themselves to face all the challenges in their life‐long learning journey.
  • Ultimately, to establish an optimized operation model to manage Makerspace in the HKUST based on the experiences learned from this project. This will be very valuable assets and critical to the success of promoting technology entrepreneurial education in the HKUST.
Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: eLearning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year