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Development of Experiential Learning Course for Fabrication of Apps-controlled Product/Prototype


Development of Experiential Learning Course for Fabrication of Apps-controlled Product/Prototype

Development of Experiential Learning Course for Fabrication of Apps-controlled Product/Prototype

Project Leader: Prof Frank LAM
School: School of Engineering
Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBME)
Project Start Year: 2018/19

This project aims to develop an elective course, which may further extend to common core course via experiential learning approach. The course will involve the development of the "real" prototype via various training modules, including the designing of the prototype, the controlling strategy of the small/micro- devices, the computer-programming modules (i.e. Arduino) for the control, and the integration of different mechanical/chemical/electronic modules into one designated project-oriented system. It can bring the synergy among the knowledge and such integration will greatly help in the development of practical prototype, which can be applied and widely used in our community.

Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year