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Augmented reality teaching and learning in a laboratory course


Augmented reality teaching and learning in a laboratory course

Augmented reality teaching and learning in a laboratory course

Project Leader: Dr Cindy LAM
School: School of Science
Department: Life Science (LIFS)
Project Start Year: 2017/18

Through the support of this TD project, an interactive AR mobile app will be developed first for LIFS3330, and later for other LIFS courses. An interactive AR enabled mobile app will be developed with the following features to support the laboratory classes and field trips to intertidal mudflats and rocky shores in HK:

  • Field guide of the intertidal mudflats and rocky shores in HK
  • A database of species and marine organisms at different marine environments
  • Concept checking questions and case-study questions for field trips and laboratory sessions
  • Videos and other materials of the preserved marine species specimens in the lab to show the morphology, diversity, relationships to other groups of organisms, and ecology or the specimens
  • English learning resources to support lab report writing skills in marine biology.
Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: Education Technology
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year