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Development of Learning Materials to Support the Sustainability Education Initiative at HKUST and Related Assessment Innovation


Development of Learning Materials to Support the Sustainability Education Initiative at HKUST and Related Assessment Innovation

Development of Learning Materials to Support the Sustainability Education Initiative at HKUST and Related Assessment Innovation

Project Leader: Prof David MOLE
School: Interdisciplinary Programs Office
Department: Environment (ENVR)
Funding Year: 2015/16

The project funding aims to support a CEI staff member, with a small amount of funding for student interns. The key deliverable has been the development of the course Introduction to Sustainability (SUST 1000). The course was approved for inclusion in the undergraduate common core in June 2016 and was successfully delivered in the Fall and Spring terms 2016 and the Fall term 2017. It is being delivered again in Spring 2018.

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: eLearning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year