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Expansion of Experiential Learning through SIGHT Platform


Expansion of Experiential Learning through SIGHT Platform

Expansion of Experiential Learning through SIGHT Platform

Project Leader: Ying CHAU
School: School of Engineering
Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBME)
Funding Year: 2015/16

This project aims to adopts experiential learning as a key element to promote attributes essential to the university’s intended learning outcomes, cross-disciplinary competencies, creative problem solving, and global citizenship through SIGHT – Student Innovation for Global Health Technology . It aims to transform student innovations into tangible and sustainable solutions for health problems around the world, especially those that are currently neglected under low-resource settings. It's objectives are

  • expand experiential learning experience to more HKUST students
  • increase and diversify SIGHT’s project partners (in terms of project nature and geographical location)
  • better develop student teams for future SIGHT projects

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year