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"Doing Economics": A Scaffolded Approach to Active Learning through Writing


"Doing Economics": A Scaffolded Approach to Active Learning through Writing

"Doing Economics": A Scaffolded Approach to Active Learning through Writing

Project Leader: Sujata VISRIA
School: School of Business & Management
Department: Economics (ECON)
Project Start Year: 2021/22

The project will develop a new course where undergraduate students use writing to improve their ability to “do economics”. Students will apply economic reasoning to real-world phenomena, and learn to express that application convincingly. In lectures, students will work with an economics (ECON) instructor to explain data, build an economic argument, and evaluate debates. In tutorials, a language (CLE) instructor will lead textual analyses and workshop students’ writing. Continuous reflection, feedback and revision will help students clarify their thinking, and improve their reasoning and argumentation skills within the discipline. This will prepare them for future independent research, and to communicate about economics in non-academic settings.

Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year