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Developing Business Scenerios for Learning Abstract Probability Concepts


Developing Business Scenerios for Learning Abstract Probability Concepts

Developing Business Scenerios for Learning Abstract Probability Concepts

Project Leader: Prof Mike SO
School: School of Business & Management
Department: Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management (ISOM)
Project Start Year: 2016/17

This project investigates the use of business scenarios in assisting students to link abstract concepts with real situations so as to arouse students’ interest and to enhance students’ learning effectiveness in courses with abstract theories. The main idea is to design some scenarios that motivate students to think and helps them to use those scenarios to solve real-life problems. Students will also have chance to use business scenarios for planning and assessing business projects. While the above business scenario approach will be implemented in a probability course, the approach is likely to be applicable to other statistics and mathematics courses which involve abstract theories.

Status: Complete
Type of Innovation: Case-based Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year