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Integrating AI Technology to Enhance Digital Design Education: Developing and Implementing AI-Assisted Tools and Platforms for CAD and Graphics Design


Integrating AI Technology to Enhance Digital Design Education: Developing and Implementing AI-Assisted Tools and Platforms for CAD and Graphics Design

Integrating AI Technology to Enhance Digital Design Education: Developing and Implementing AI-Assisted Tools and Platforms for CAD and Graphics Design

Project Leader: Sai Kit YEUNG
School: School of Engineering (SENG)
Department: Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD)
Project Start Year: 2023-2025
Description: The project aims to develop an AI assistant to support digital design education at HKUST. The AI assistant will provide voice control and text input for CAD and graphics design, including file and online access, user data access, audio and graphics. The AI assistant will also help students with various tasks such as photo-editing, CAD modeling, and app graphics design. This assistant is being incorporated into a number of digital design courses (ISDN 2300; ISDN 2400; ISDN 5300) to enhance students’ learning outcomes by helping students learn CAD software more effectively and gaining practical experience from utilizing AI technology into digital design.
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Course Design, Virtual Teaching Assistant